To mark the centennial of the Caliphate's fall on 3rd March 1924, we are launching a new take on our acclaimed ‘Caliphate Reloaded’ course.
Amidst the ongoing strife in Gaza, the concept of 'Ummah' and the imperative of safeguarding the dignity and life of its collective body against relentless attacks and adversities has never been more relevant.
This multidisciplinary course is designed to illuminate one of the most intriguing yet understudied facets of Islamic research. Engage with the critical issues of leadership, power, and legitimacy that continue to challenge the Ummah amidst the turmoil and upheavals faced by the Muslim world today.
Dive deep into the rich tapestry of History, Law, Politics, and Theology to unravel the enigmatic concept of 'The Caliphate' and its profound impact on the modern world.

This course will also include new reflections from Sh Ruzwan on:

  • The paradox of ‘The Impossible State’ & the perpetual relevance of the Caliphate.
  • Is it premature to talk of ‘The Failure of Political Islam’?
  • The role of modern muslim activism in driving ideological and religious discourse on caliphate.
  • Contemporary debates on the relevance of ‘quietest’ hadith during early conflicts in the ummah
  • The ‘trauma’ over the fall of the caliphate and how it is being dealt with.

Course structure:

  • The course will run over 4 weekends, with catchup recordings available after each weekly session
  • 3 LIVE introductions from Sh Ruzwan to each week’s topics, presenting the current context to each week’s lessons
  • 6 premium LIVE recording of the course, with integrated slides, recorded in a packed lecture hall in 2016 with a live student audience!
  • End-of-course LIVE extended Q&A with the course instructor Shaykh Ruzwan
  • 6 month access to the full course recording

Enrol now to empower yourself with most essential lowdown on the contemporary relevance of Caliphate and how it will continue shaping both Muslim identity and global Islamic discourse.

Content breakdown:

  • The Fall of the Ummah and the End of the Caliphate.
  • Divergent Views of Authority in Islamic History.
  • The Caliphate: A Theological and Jurisprudential Perspective.
  • Background of Islamic Governance (al-Siyasah al-Shari'yyah)
  • Governance under Divine Law Throughout History.
  • Addressing Injustice: The Role of Revolt, Rebellion, and Uprising in Islamic Political Thought - Historical and Juridical Perspectives.
  • The Direction of Islamic Leadership: Emerging Models of Muslim Authority in Eastern and Western Contexts.

By the end of this course you will be able to navigate the following issues :

  • Factors contributing to the Ummah's decline and its assessment methods.
  • Legal perspectives on establishing a Caliphate.
  • Origins and implications of the Sunni-Shia division regarding the caliphate concept.
  • The influence of Caliphal or State support in promoting religious denominations.
  • The contemporary application of Shar’iah in Muslim nations.
  • The development of the Islamic state concept to the present day.
  • Key trends in fiqh debates about deposing a leader or Caliph.
  • The need for re-evaluating the traditional stance on deposing a leader in the context of modern nation-states and social contracts.
  • The dynamics of Muslim political participation and citizenship in Western countries in relation to the Islamic notion of authority
  • Empower yourself with the most essential lowdown on the contemporary relevance of Caliphate and how it will continue shaping both Muslim identity and global Islamic discourse.

Caliphate Reloaded

Watch the course trailer.


Shaykh Ruzwan Mohammed is a Sunni theologian and scholar. A graduate in Geopolitics and Arabic from the University of Glasgow, he has studied with a wide array of leading scholars in the Muslim world. As part of his formal Islamic training, he graduated from the Fat’h Islamic Law College in Damascus, graduating from the prestigious 6-year program with a distinction of merit, achieving overall 1st position in his year of graduation.


  SESSION 1 - Abolition of the Caliphate and the Decline of the Ummah
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SESSION 2 - Blame games
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SESSION 3 - The Theory of Caliphate 1- The What and Why of Caliphate
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SESSION 4 - The Theory of Caliphate 2 - The question of applying Islamic law
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SESSION 5 - Challenging Authority - The case for and against revolt
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SESSION 6 - ISIS - In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll


A fantastic eye opener to the world of caliphate presented in a streamlined manner from historical to present day issues. A brilliant course overall, providing tangible knowledge to help address the queries and concerns of the non-Muslim and Muslim world at large.


I had listened to lots of islamic talks and discussions on this, but this definitely exceeded my experience on this topic which is usually avoided my mainstream scholars. The very complex and sensitive subject presented in an engaging and enthusiastic manner, keeping the attention of a full lecture hall for over eight hours! Before I got there I thought it'd be too early or too long but when I got there I wish it started earlier and at the end I didn't want to leave.


This is a difficult topic, and I came to realise that I lacked any appreciation of the historical and legal implications that surround it. Shaykh Ruzwan presented it extremely clearly. He handled all the difficult issues in a sensitive manner, without shying away from them. He demonstrated the depth of his knowledge on this subject, while never alienating his audience. The Shaykh has definitely changed the way I think about our history and our future. Brilliant. I had answers to questions I never thought I ever had. This is a sign of an excellent presentation


An excellent seminar which provided detailed background of all historical factors relevant to the current situation we are in. All religious perspectives included resulting in providing a much needed deeper insight into the topic of the Caliphate. He knows his stuff. He kept things fairly high level in order to cover as much as he could to do the topic justice. Answered questions well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?

This course is for people who are interested in a critical introduction into the application of Power and Politics, ostensibly through an understanding of the theory and Practice of Caliphate.  

Are there any prerequisites to enrolment?

There are no prerequisites Islamic studies required for this course.

Is there an age limit?

Aged 15+

Are there any course notes available?

Course slides will be available to download 

How long do I have access to the lessons?

From the date of registration you will have 12 months access to the course.