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Caliphate Reloaded
SESSION 1 - Abolition of the Caliphate and the Decline of the Ummah
Introduction to Sessions 1 & 2 - Critical Issues (69:08)
1. The importance of the topic (3:28)
2. End of the Ottoman Caliphate & the Arab revolt (6:22)
3. The General Caliphate Congress, Cairo 1926 (0:53)
4. What was lost at the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate (1) (1:33)
5. Context of decline (4:31)
6. Traditionalist on the decline (2:38)
7. The Salafi theory of decline (Al-Afghāni-Abdu-Rida) (7:31)
8. The Pan-Islamist theory of decline (1:26)
9. The Orientalist theory of decline (5:31)
10. Critique of the decline thesis - The Great Western Transmutation (4:50)
11. Critique of the decline thesis - The Protestant Work Ethic etc (4:38)
12. Summary analysis of the decline thesis (1:56)
SESSION 2 - Blame games
1. Macro factors to understanding Caliphate - Salafism, Political Islam and Traditionalism (3:53)
2. Salafism between quietism and extremism (5:03)
3. Strands of Salafism - Madkhalism & Violent Extremism (7:45)
4. The Muslim Brotherhood - Between soft power service and hard power politics (5:52)
5. In focus - The ideological foundations of Sayyid Qutb’s thought (11:11)
6. The Muslim Brotherhood, Salafism and the movement of Ibn Abdal Wahab (5:17)
7. The Brotherhood post - Arab Spring (1:13)
8. Traditionalist - An absence of a social vision (Al-Mashru‘ Al-‘Ijtima’i) or acquiescing to secular authority (3:51)
9. Traditionalism and the call for a social vision (Al-Mashru‘ Al-‘Ijtima’i) (4:06)
10. Sufism establishing an islamic state of being (2:59)
SESSION 3 - The Theory of Caliphate 1- The What and Why of Caliphate
Introduction to Sessions 3 & 4 - Hadith on Revolt revisited (64:49)
1. Understanding the theory of ‘Caliphate- (4:01)
2. The Religious Sources - Caliphate in the Quran (3:15)
3. The Religious Sources - Caliphate in the Sunnah (3:39)
4. What is a Caliphate and is it an -obligation- (3:54)
5. The Classical thesis on Caliphate - whose theory - (3:11)
6. Reclaiming the ideal of Caliph - Al-Mawardi (d._1058) (6:23)
7. The Pragmatism of Al-Mawardi’s political theory (3:11)
8. Ibn Taymiyyah and the office of Caliphate (d._1328) (2:32)
9. Al-Siyasa Al-Shar’iyyah - Ibn Taymiyyah's statecraft based on shari’ah (5:27)
10. Ibn Taymiyyah on whether it is permitted to fight to establish the Prophetic Caliphate (5:22)
11. Ibn Taymiyyah in the works of ‘The party of Jihad’ & Abd Al-Sallam Faraj (3:19)
SESSION 4 - The Theory of Caliphate 2 - The question of applying Islamic law
1. The call for Shari’ah - The charge of Kufr and the De-Legitimisation of Muslim Governments (4:02)
2. On ‘and the one that does not rule according to what god has revealed...’ (5:25)
3. Siyasah Al-Shariyyah revisited (2:30)
4. What is applied in Western countries is heavily influenced by Islamic Civil law! (1:56)
5. What is applied in Muslim countries is based heavily on Islamic Law (2:45)
6. Application of Hadd as a measure of Shari’ah indexing (2:22)
7. On ‘the age of doubt (Shub’ha)’ and ignorance (4:15)
8. Hadd penalties - A prescriptive ruling is not be applied if the declarative law waives its application (2:04)
9. Alternative understandings of Caliphate - Zaydiyyah on authority (3:03)
10. Alternative understandings of Caliphate - Ismailliyah of authority (3:40)
11. Alternative understandings of Caliphate - Twelvers Shia Islam on authority (4:52)
12. Alternative understandings of Caliphate - The Khawarij on Caliphate (1:30)
SESSION 5 - Challenging Authority - The case for and against revolt
Introduction to Sessions 5 & 6 - Change as an ideological discourse (76:25)
1. The Theory of ‘Revolt against authority’ (ar al-khuruj ala al-khalifah) (1:55)
2. The Changing phases of revolt theory (2:59)
3. The Case for revolt (1) - The kufr of the regimes (2:24)
4. Abode between Islam and disbelief - The Mardin Fatwa (3:59)
5. Use of the Mardin Fatwa by militant groups (3:16)
6. The case for revolt (2) - Modern nation states and the social contract (3:45)
7. The case for revolt (3) Historical precedence of some Salaf (1:33)
8. The reluctant realist - Abu Hanifah -d.150767- (3:06)
9. The principled pragmatist - Malik Ibn Anas -d.179795- (3:04)
10. The Stern Advisor - Ahmad Ibn Hanbal -855 a.d_241_h- (1:25)
11. The Case against revolts (1) Quran enjoining obedience (1:46)
12. The case against revolts (1) Hadith enjoining obedience (2:48)
13. Scholars on obedience (4:09)
14. The case against revolts - (2) Historical experience (1:05)
16. Summary on revolt theory (3:34)
15. Harrah, Siege of Makkah, Zaydi & Alawi revolts (5:12)
SESSION 6 - ISIS - In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
1. Introduction to ISIS case study (6:05)
2. What is so serious about the current instability and violence (2:06)
3. Apocalyptic narrative & WMDs (2:27)
4. ‘Team Islam’ & precipitating apostasy (2:20)
5. Sectarianism & widespread ignorance of faith (2:21)
6. ISIS and constructing legitimacy through religious referencing (1:48)
7. Messaging through the black flags of Khurasan (5:02)
8. Theme of the black flags in modern narratives (6:21)
9. Propagandising great battle (Al-Malhama Al-Kubra or Armageddon) at Dabiq (3:38)
10. Armageddon narratives (12:44)
11. Prophecies on the Khawarij (4:13)
12. Theological heresy of isis - Are the Khawarij Muslims (1:26)
13. The death of a scholar is the death of a world (3:34)
14. New perspectives on Caliphate - What is an Islamic State (3:45)
Are the hadith about Khawarij weak? (1:32)
Can a female be a muslim leader? (28:49)
Did Sayyiduna Ali burn people as a tactic of war? (4:41)
Is Ibn Taymiyyah's mardin fatwa important? (6:19)
To what degree is Ibn Taymiyyah a scholar that can be trusted? (1:41)
Was ISIS created by the West so as to delegitimise islam? (3:25)
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3. The Religious Sources - Caliphate in the Sunnah
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