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With the Words of Allah
Short Clips
Plan but don’t overall plan (1:21)
Non-Muslim tax - The jizya (2:49)
Some people are never satisfied with the answer (1:32)
Who were the bani Israel (1:02)
Importance of Salah (prayer) (2:06)
Real disability (2:16)
The danger of the ego (1:21)
The miracle of the Quran (1:25)
Peer pressure (1:37)
Being too concerned with what others think of us (2:40)
When even the atheists believed (3:29)
When mosques shouldn’t be built (3:53)
The different forms of idol worship in our time (2:20)
Excluding females from inheritance (2:00)
Lesson 1 (40:41)
Lesson 2 (43:04)
Lesson 3 (41:07)
Lesson 4 (43:50)
Lesson 5 (41:58)
Lesson 6 (42:44)
Lesson 7 (42:36)
Lesson 8 (40:56)
Lesson 9 (42:52)
Lesson 10 (43:47)
Lesson11 (42:03)
Lesson 12 (41:58)
Lesson 13 (42:41)
Lesson 14 (41:34)
Lesson 15 (43:26)
Lesson 16 (44:56)
Lesson 17 (43:01)
Lesson 18 (42:48)
Lesson 19 (44:43)
Lesson 20 (44:20)
Lesson 21 (45:21)
Lesson 22 (45:21)
Lesson 23 (44:38)
Lesson 24 (46:41)
Lesson 25 (44:53)
Lesson 26 (44:08)
Lesson 27 (51:06)
Lesson 28 (57:04)
Lesson 29 (59:55)
Lesson 30 (83:21)
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Non-Muslim tax - The jizya
Complete and Continue