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The Final Journey
Intro - About the course
Course Notes
About the course
Session 1 – Events prior to death
1. Introduction (13:37)
2.1 Praying for the ill (9:04)
2.2 If a person shows signs that his death is approaching (13:36)
2.3 Shaytan's last attack (13:04)
3. Immediately after death (9:55)
4. Mourning (4:55)
5. The soul’s journey at death (8:54)
Session 2 – Shrouding and washing the deceased
6. The shroud & washing of the dead body (3:54)
6.1 Laying out of the shroud (8:45)
6.2 Items required before commencing washing (1:46)
6.3 Washing the dead body (14:48)
6.4 The Actual Washing - Part 1 (18:59)
6.4 The Actual Washing - Part 2 (18:05)
6.5 How the shroud in put on the deceased (13:39)
Session 3 - The funeral prayer
7. Viewing the face of the deceased (3:58)
8. Carrying the janazah (3:04)
9. The janazah (funeral) prayer (6:13)
9.1 The prerequisites of the funeral prayer (8:08)
9.2 Who leads the funeral prayer (2:53)
9.3 Performing the funeral prayer (11:37)
Session 4 – Burial and the graveyard
10. Transporting the body to the graveyard (4:23)
11. The Burial (14:18)
12. The soul at the time of burial (3:27)
13. Visiting the graveyard (7:48)
13.1 The do’s and don’ts of graveyards (14:33)
Session 5 – Bereavement
14. Offering condolences (Tai’ziyyah) (9:28)
15. Dealing with bereavement (12:18)
16. Donating acts of charity and worship to the dead (4:30)
17. Related rulings (5:47)
Session 6 – Inheritance matters
18. Inheritance matters - female inheritance (16:12)
18. Inheritance matters - gifts to children in your lifetime (5:56)
18. Inheritance matters - Giving away wealth during your life (14:03)
19.1 Legal & procedural issues (U.K) - the death certificate (2:53)
19.2 Legal & procedural issues (U.K) - Postmortems (4:39)
19.3 Legal & procedural issues (U.K) - New Muslims (3:06)
20. Making an Islamic will (7:07)
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