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Islam Engendering Change
Session 1 - Introduction, Gender theory & Feminist Approaches to the Quran
1-1 Introduction (3:52)
1-2 Islam’s Theological Interface with Gender (3:12)
1-3 Islam’s Ideological Interface with Gender (5:12)
1-4 Challenges in the age of Individualism (2:10)
1-5 The Waves of Feminism- First wave (3:39)
1-6 The Waves of Feminism-Second wave (6:18)
1-7 The Waves of Feminism-Third wave (5:09)
1-8 Waves of Feminism - Judith Butler’s Core thesis (3:14)
1-9 Feminist Approaches to the Quran (2:29)
1-10 Leitmotivs in Feminist writings on the Quran- Gradualism (5:11)
1-11 Gradualism and Feminist Muslim writers on verse 4-34 Obedience, Recalcitrance (nushūz) and Darb (5:36)
1-12 Aminah Wadud on verse 4-34 (2:34)
1-13 Fazal Rahman's Double movement’ hermeneutical principle (5:21)
1-14 Holistic and Analytical tafsir (4:43)
Session 1 - All Slides
Session 2 - Islamic texts and patriarchy - Feminist Approaches to the Quran
2-1 Contextualisation in Feminist approaches to the Quran (4:35)
2-2 Contextualisation in Wadud's approache to the Quran (5:00)
2-3 ‘Descriptive, not Prescriptive’ leitmotiv in Feminist approaches to the Quran (3:48)
2-4 ‘Descriptive, not Prescriptive’ examples (5:31)
2-5 Wadud's use of ‘Descriptive, not Prescriptive’ (3:06)
2-6 The Patriarchal form of Inheritance laws (6:10)
2-7 Feminist Deconstruction of the Text (5:09)
2-8 Authority and Deconstruction of the Text (1:24)
2-9 Criticisms of feminist tafsir methods (2:40)
2-10 Prioritizing modern sensibilities (3:18)
2-11 Relativism (3:17)
2-12 Dismantling Islamic civilisational norms (3:13)
2-13 Claiming equality ignores the disparity in rulings (3:45)
2-14 Classical approaches to contextualizing the text (4:27)
2-15 Essentialist readings on Witnesses (2:00)
2-16 Contextual readings on Witnesses (6:04)
Session 2 - All Slides
Session 3 - Islamic texts and patriarchy - Hadith literature and Patriarchy
3-1 Intro to Hadith literature and Patriarchy (3:57)
3-2 Feminist writers and hadīth literature (3:50)
3-3 Case studies in patriarchal texts – On Female leadership (3:59)
3-4 Context of the statement on Female leadership (3:53)
3-5 Context in which it is narrated (5:43)
3-6 Mawlana Ashraf Tahanawi on Female Leadership (2:29)
3-7 The inherent pragmatism of the Law (3:04)
3-8 The logical possibility of a competent female ruler (2:46)
3-9 Case studies in patriarchal texts – Aqīqah sacrifice (5:20)
3-10 ’Syncretism’ (jam’) & ‘Selectivism’ (tarjīh) (3:09)
3-11 Aqīqah sacrifice. Evidencing the disparity of the Aqīqah-Narrated proofs (2:40)
3-12 Evidencing the disparity of the Aqīqah-Supporting legal principles (3:35)
3-13 Evidencing the parity of the Aqīqah- Narrated proofs (2:11)
3-14 Evidencing the parity of the Aqīqah-Supporting legal principles (1:33)
3-15 Where is the female Islamic scholarship of the past (3:45)
3-16 The Female voice in the early period of Islam (2:33)
3-17 Tentative hyphtesis for the relative dearth of female authored scholarship (3:31)
Session 3 - All Slides
Session 4 - Studies on the science of Sexual orientation
4-1 Studies on the science of Sexual orientation (5:20)
4-2 Can gender roles be socially constructed (2:33)
4-3 Equality of opportunity & Equality of outcome (3:50)
4-4 Psychological traits and Social construction theory (3:38)
4-5 ’Influencing’ or ‘Determining’ non-heteronormative sexuality (2:49)
4-6 NatureNurture debate (2:12)
4-7 Genomes studies (2:05)
4-8 Twins and sexuality (1:54)
4-9 Reading the science on Sexuality (3:58)
4-10 Sexual orientation and Sexual identity (3:46)
4-11 Transgender and Feminism (3:30)
4-12 Transgender as an ideological movement (2:55)
4-13 Gender realignment and suicidal tendencies (2:03)
4-14 Gender as Essentialist and Social constructivist (1:59)
4-15 Moral arguments and Natural law-The ‘Perverted Faculty’ argument (5:41)
4-16 Homosexuality and Marriage (4:09)
4-17 A defence of Homosexuality-The Moral case (4:13)
4-18 defence of Homosexuality-Animal ‘Homosexuality’ (3:15)
4-19 Conclusion to Reasoning Normative & Non-Heteronormative sexuality (2:50)
Session 4 - All Slides
Session 5 - Ideology of Gender and Islam
5-1 Course overview (9:25)
5-2 The Muslim Misogyny Trope (4:28)
5-3 Geopolitical developments and Neoliberalism (5:51)
5-4 Framing the Oppression of Women (5:18)
5-5 Dictating the parameters of the struggle offor Muslim women (3:42)
5-6 Islam, the Law and Women’s rights (2:39)
5-7 Neologism in Personal Status Law (2:10)
5-8 Universalism and Gay internationalism (3:54)
5-9 Neoliberal interventionist model (4:08)
5-10 Gender studies and Islam- Ubiquitous Fallacies (4:10)
5-11 The Historical Obsession of the West to suppress Sex (5:32)
5-12 The uniquely Western conception of sexuality (1:52)
5-13 Existential crises - Sex as identity (6:03)
5-14 Identities, Orientations and Islam (3:13)
5-15 Certainty of Law, ambiguity of Culture (2:36)
Session 5 - All Slides
Session 6 - Conceptions of Gender in Islamic texts & Navigating gender as Muslims
6-1 Making the case for Homosexuality from the Quran 1 (6:31)
6-2 Making the case for Homosexuality from the Quran 2 (4:34)
6-3 Typology of sexual orientation in Islam (1:25)
6-4 Intersexuals (khunthā) (3:12)
6-5 Intersex reconstruction of sexual organs (3:42)
6-6 Effeminate (al-Mukhannath) (4:16)
6-7 What Muslims did and what they should do (5:35)
6-8 The Theology of Transgender (3:33)
6-9 Trans-Gender realignment (3:21)
6-10 Navigating gender as Muslims (introduction) (1:46)
6-11 A pastoral perspective - God given tribulation (5:37)
6-12 A pastoral perspective - The moral standing of actions (2:40)
6-13 Understanding individuals individual traits (khaslahtab’) (2:57)
6-14 ‘Pride’ contra ‘Don’t ask, Don’t tell’ (3:12)
6-15 Islam and Conversion Therapy (2:18)
6-16 Islam, Intersectionality and LGBT rights (4:17)
6-17 An Islamic case for Gay marriage (3:50)
6-18 Children’s education and LGBT rights (3:40)
6-19 RSE and the Muslim community (2:37)
6-20 Concluding remarks (3:54)
Session 6 - All Slides
Session 7 - Q&A
7. Islam and Gender Q&A (177:07)
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5-12 The uniquely Western conception of sexuality
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