Welcoming the Month of Ramadan
“All the actions of the children of Adam are for themselves except for fasting, for that is purely for me and I will provide the reward for it”
The days are getting longer so the reward will increase! Be prepared and hit the ground running!
Ever imagined the month of Ramadan passing you by like many others before it without you reconnecting with the Divine?
Ever imagined losing the opportunity not to fully benefit from the blessings it brings?
Now imagine making a change and reaping the enormous gifts of Ramadan and coming out of it a changed person!
The month is at our doorstep again like a guest laden with blessings and goodness. Let the guest in and you prosper, neglect him and you will remain pondering over the lost opportunity of a lifetime.
This course is full of inspiration and learning will put the spirit back into the practice-the heart back into the body.
Covering practical tips, in-depth Islamic Law, spiritual advice as well as contemporary day to day advice relating to Fiqh. It is a unique opportunity to fully benefit from Ramadan and the act of fasting.
Just some of the many topics covered:
How did previous religious communities fast and how does it differ from the fast of Islam?
What are the rulings on fasting for diabetics and others with medical complications?
Can we predict when the new month starts using Astronomy?
What does it mean to have your sins forgiven?
How can I make the most of this Ramadan?
At the Gates of Paradise
Watch the course trailer.
Shaykh Amer holds a (LLB) law degree from Strathclyde university and BA (Hons) in Islamic studies from the University of Wales. He spent 10 years studying the Islamic sciences including 6 years with distinguished scholars in the Middle East (Syria and Yemen), gaining him teaching licenses (ijaza) in various Islamic sciences.
Shaykh Amer’s specialisation lies in Islamic Family Law. Being a certified NLP practitioner and also holding a certificate in counselling skills he has combined his religious and secular knowledge to help contextualise marital issues for the Western Muslim living in the 21st century.
Shaykh Ruzwan Mohammed is a Sunni theologian and scholar. A graduate in Geopolitics and Arabic from the University of Glasgow, he has studied with a wide array of leading scholars and theologians in the Muslim world. As part of his formal Islamic training, he graduated from the Fat’h Islamic Law College in Damascus, graduating from the prestigious 6-year program with a distinction of merit, achieving overall first position in his year of graduation.
Shaykh Ruzwan has been a regular television panellist on shows such as BBC One’s “The Big Question”, BBC radio 4’s religious analysis programmes, and is currently engaged in research into the effect of textual hermeneutics and environment on Islamic legal ethics of the Spanish philosopher Averroes. He also serves as an advisor to various Muslim civil society organisations, and was tasked with the responsibility of drafting the 'Edinburgh Declaration', launched in 2018, on the shared ethical values between Christianity and Islam in the area of finance and wealth creation.
- Course Notes
- 1-1 Introduction (4:39)
- 1-2 Opening the gates of paradise (3:48)
- 1-3 The meaning and significance of Ramadan (6:42)
- 1-4 What is the meaning of the fast being solely for God (12:33)
- 1-5 The conditions for the proper performance of the fast (5:14)
- 1-6 Intention (5:34)
- 1-7 Being free of menstrual (hayd) and post natal (nifas) bleeding (1:48)
- 1-8 Recommended fasts (9:01)
- 1-9 Disapproved and forbidden fasts (3:59)
- 1-10 Pacing yourself in Ramadan (5:42)
- 2-1 Establishing the beginning of the month (5:53)
- 2-2 Clear and obstructed atmospheric conditions (3:58)
- 2-3 ‘The day of doubt’ (Yawm ash-Shakk) (4:04)
- 2-4 Notes on when to fast (5:12)
- 2-5 Excuses that permit the breaking of the fast (2:54)
- 2-6 Excuses that require qada' alone - sickness (1:28)
- 2-7 Excuses that require qada' alone - travel (4:49)
- 2-8 Excuses that require qada’ alone -pregnancy & breast-feeding (2:06)
- 2-9 Differences_of_opinion_on_qada_and_fidya (720p) (7:53)
- 2-10 The excuse that requires a fidyah alone - the perpetual inability to fast (6:46)
- 2-11 Sweeter in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk (3:43)
- 2-12 Meanings of - sweeter in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk (10:59)
- 3-1 Excelling in Ramadan (2:23)
- 3-2 History of fasting (13:51)
- 3-3 Actions that invalidate the fast and require an expiation (8:24)
- 3-4 Acts that invalidate the fast and dont require expiation (5:43)
- 3-5 Using toothpaste when fasting (1:09)
- 3-6 Disliked acts during the fast (7:18)
- 3-7 Medical issue eg. injections, inhalers etc (5:47)
- 3-8 A time of seeking forgiveness (5:45)
- 3-9 Mercy, forgiveness & freedom from the hell-fire (1:55)
- 3-10 Fasting a forgiveness for past and future wrong actions (5:51)
- 3-11 Closing the gates (1:46)
- 4-1 The meaning of the fast (10:57)
- 4-2 Praiseworthy acts in Ramadan (6:32)
- 4-3 Feeding others (1:18)
- 4-4 Tarawih prayers (3:07)
- 4-5 Itikaaf (seclusion in the mosque) (5:42)
- 4-6 The Quran in Ramadan (6:17)
- 4-7 The night of power (12:31)
- 4-8 Supplications on the night of power (3:38)
- 4-9 Al Ghazzali and the 3 stations of fasting (8:26)
"Brilliant opportunity to learn and understand the fiqh and true meaning of fasting the month of Ramadan."
"As a new Muslim wanting to know about Ramadan, I found it very informative & that the Shaykhs' were well versed in the history of Ramadan."
"It was a course that came at the right time and has given me more insight about ramadhan. As well as this has motivated me to have goals for what - I want to achieve and who I'm doing it for. Would definitely recommend to others."
"Excellent course, thoroughly enjoyed it and learned so much."
"Loved it! It gave me new knowledge as well as a reminder of knowledge I had. It gave me a fresh bout of enthusiasm and I am going into Ramadan more determined than I ever have been before. May Allah SWT accept all your work."
"An excellent and essential introduction to the laws and spirit behind Ramadan."
"The Fast of Ramadan course is taught in such a way that everyone will benefit, and the teaching is done in such a friendly way that it keeps the lesson interactive, enjoyable as well as thought-provoking."
"The Ramadan course was mind-blowing ma sha Allah and I learnt so much! There is no reason not to attend, honestly. For me personally, it was invaluable and I am grateful to iSyllabus for it. Jazakumullahu khayran!"
"Amazing, simple, well structured and organised, delivered by an amazing team adding real value to the community by empowering people with the right knowledge."
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this online course for?
This Online Course is for anyone wishing to prepare themselves for Ramadan through looking at both the outward law and inner dimensions of fasting.
Are there any course notes available?
Yes. There are accompanying course notes which are available to purchase.
How long do I have access to this course?
From the date of registration you will have 90 days access to the course.