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Can we trust Hadith?
Session 1
1. Conceptualisation & Metatheories (7:35)
2. Ibn Khaldun & The ‘Cyclic’ waves of rise and fall (3:53)
3. Auguste compte and social evolutionism (4:47)
4. Modernism, postmodernism and literary theory of truth (4:03)
5. Critical historical method (shared or western) (6:06)
6. Western approaches to hadith studies 1 (6:22)
7. Western approaches to hadith studies 2 (3:41)
8. Muslim theories of hadith (8:42)
9. Traditionalist (Muhadithun) & Particularism (4:54)
10. Legal scholars & Methodism’ (8:46)
11. Contemporary Matn critique (6:30)
Session 1 Slides
Session 2
1. Previous Summary (8:21)
2. Aim of Session 2 (1:31)
3. Al-dihlawi and the place of the muwatta (10:44)
4. Al-bukhari’s sahih and his methodology (8:52)
5. Recensions of sahih al-bukhari (6:27)
6. Imam Muslim’s Sahih and his methodology (5:47)
7. Sunan and Mussanaf collections (10:22)
8. Musnad collections (3:13)
9. Al-Dihlawi’s later categories (4:40)
10. So can we trust al-Bukhari anymore? (8:14)
Session 2 Slides
Session 3
1. Introduction to case studies (7:27)
2. Bukhari's context for female leadership hadith (7:03)
3. Narrations concerning female leadership (3:40)
4. Usuli analysis of female leadership hadith (8:37)
5. Modern deconstruction of the hadith (9:24)
6. Syncretism on Aqiqah (6:52)
7. Selectivism on Aqiqah (5:51)
8. Impasse of the satanic verses (10:25)
9. Theology of Ibn Taymiyyah on the satanic verses (6:52)
10. Conclusions (3:19)
Session 3 Slides
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4. Al-bukhari’s sahih and his methodology
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